I am a licensed speech language pathologist with 36 years of experience working with infants all the way through adults. My number one goal is to empower parents with the necessary tools to confidently foster the language development for their child right at home, along with my ongoing support. 


There is so much advice & noise out there on what to do, where to begin, or to even do anything at all.


Many parents are led by pediatricians to sit & wait because “everything will be fine….They always catch up.” Family members, friends, ….they all have an opinion ...You know what I mean!


Evidence-based research shows that stimulating language development at the earliest years during brain development is crucial. Early intervention is KEY in developing speech & language skills with both professionals & parents as a holistic team approach. I TEACH the parents & enable them to carry over everything possible in the home while still being a parent but doing so in a less structured more natural environment- THE HOME! Aha!


I provide value within an affordable course with ongoing support through monthly zoom meetings directly with me, in order to make it possible to see your child flourish. 

With my upcoming course and support in the parents’ group, members will be able to exhale and know that they are on the right track with supporting their child developmentally in the best possible way without depending solely on individually scheduled and very scarce therapy sessions. 

Individual sessions are great, but NOT ENOUGH. 




Ready to get your child on their way? There are 3 ways to get started: 

11 Pre-Language Skills PDF

This list of skills will get you started on learning what skills every child must master before communicating. Many parents focus on TALKING, not meeting their child where they ARE in the process. You will learn how this looks, why it's important, and simple useful strategies. If this is enough, great!

You will continue to receive emails with excellent information every week. 


Virtual 1 Hour Class

This virtual class dives deeper into the pre-language skills, how language develops, what prevents progress, do's & dont's (love these!), and lots of ideas on how to foster language in YOUR home. You'll have this keepsake forever!

Self-Paced Moduled Course

This is where everything comes together.  You will receive all that is offered in the other two options with modules covering how-to's, what if's, foundations on WHY behaviors occur & what to do about them so they don't escalate, step by step instructions in areas of attention, building vocabulary, receptive language, imitation, expressive language, interacting, & so much more.

Wanna know the best part?  You will be a part of my private FB group and MONTHLY LIVE Zoom calls!

Accepting pre-registrations NOW for January 2025 launch!